Zach's January-February 2014 click here to go to Zach's Mar-Apr 2014 page

Zach teaching his buddies about one of his favourite subjeccts: SPYING. 2014-01-01

'Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs' movie with Max. 2014-01-03

Zach briefly takes an interest in composing music. 2014-01-07

Never mind music - he'd much rather be coding (or decoding, if a scavenger hunt)!2014-01-07

Even more impressive, he creates a spy hunt for Mommy! 2014-01-07

...And one for Daddy. 2014-01-08

Yet another spy hunt... 2014-01-08

Rt. Rev. Pete Buss and Teresa come down for a visit - we show them the sights! 2014-01-09

A smiley face in the Blue Mountains :=) 2014-01-10

Ferber Steps - Blue Mountains with Mr. & Mrs. Buss. 2014-01-10

Here's Zach in the old vertical-incline railway car. (Whew - steep!) 2014-01-10

Rev. Duckworth gives Zach a hand with cricket batting at camp. 2014-01-14

Zach rides the miniature train with Wolfie & friends at Timbertown (Bonnie Hills camp excursion). 2014-01-15

He and Mommy accept a lesson in cracking a whip! 2014-01-15

Zach gets to try his hand at working the lathe. 2014-01-15

He is fascinated by the wooden marble track. 2014-01-15

Zach and Daddy always enjoy the pool! 2014-01-17

Zach demonstrates a magic trick for talent night. 2014-01-17

Upon returning from camp, Daddy is ordained into the second degree of the priesthood. 2014-01-19

One of Zach's favourite things to do during school holidays: the foam pit @ Sydney Olympic Park! 2014-01-21

He and Mommy devise something of a tree fort :=) (-look up, way up!) 2014-01-28

Zach's first day of a new school year (grade 2) :=) 2014-01-30

Have we mentioned that Zach likes to read? 2014-02-03

Wheeee! Clothes lines are fun play things! 2014-02-07

...More reading... (The Christmas package from Grammy arrived!) 2014-02-11

Zach and the lorikeet visitors 2014-02-17

A friendly game of UNO with the Moffat kids 2014-02-23


Zach's a good helper - here, helping Daddy built a car port! 2014-02-23

    click here to go to Zach's Mar-Apr 2014 page